Gyroscope / Overview

You may download the latest version of Gyroscope here
or track the changes on GitHub.
As we release newer versions we update parts of this documentation.
Pay attention to the version in each section to make the most of Gyroscope.
The Gyroscope Framework is Antradar's flagship platform on which our web-based management systems are built. It uses a specific and yet flexible user interaction model to reveal and explore the inner-relations of a database.

As a general purpose semantic data editor, Gyroscope applications have taken the shapes of a wide range of industry-specific solutions, such as Event Booking, CRM, Real Estate Management, Online Publishing, Staffing, Billing, etc.

Gyroscope is written in PHP and uses a specialized front-end library to perform all sorts of viewport, tabbing and instant lookup stunts. The framework is extremely versatile. With a screaming tiny size of less than 200 kilobytes, the Gyroscope core runs smoothly even on embedded systems.

Programming on Gyroscope is easy. With the help of a sample project and this documentation you'll be up to speed fairly quickly.

Please note that the public version of Gyroscope comes with no support. This documentation was converted from internal training manuals and is not guaranteed to be up-to-date. We do, however, make an effort to keep this site as accurate as we can.

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Targeted Crawlers

Crawlers for content extraction, restoration and competitive intelligence gathering.

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Gyroscope™ ERP Solutions

Fully integrated enterprise solutions for rapid and steady growth.

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Self-updating websites with product catalog and payment processing.

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Featured Download

Gyroscope™ Framework v21.1

A high performance framework featuring advanced UI features

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